Just felt happy so I thought I'd drop an image on the blog.
Countdown To Career Blog
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
2013 UPDATE!
Catching Up The Last Two Years
Writing takes discipline. So does mastering one's emotions. These two items are proving to be the most challenging with which I've ever striven, but are also proving to be the most satisfying, and my vocational future is starting to brighten up a bit for the first time in nearly ten years.
I spoke a lot about college over the last two years, primarily to myself and in blog posts that I never published. Exorcising my emotional demons, both real and imagined, I suppose. (Mostly, if not all, imagined.)
Which brings me to the present day. 2013 has proven to be a year of calming, rather than a time of internal strife. I still have the usual challenges of time management, but it hasn't been as vexing as in the most recent past.
Time is moving perceptually slower, having seemingly retarded a bit of its flow around my life. This has produced a calming effect, whixh is expanding to fill my Being with clarity that I have not experienced since my elementary school days.
Friday, August 24, 2012
UPDATE! 2012
Much has happened since my last blog entries. I attended an online business school called Jones International University, and was doing okay for a while. I had problems with time management, and after much thought, decided to drop the program. I also decided that I wanted a school with more focus on computer science and information technology.
I stopped attending Jones in March, 2012. I decided to take the summer off, reconnoiter the various options available to me--both online *and* local--and decide on something by October, 2012 at the latest.
Some of the online schools I have been considering are:
1) Colorado Technical University (offices in Colorado, online offices in Chicago [go figure on that one]). This school has the advantage of having all their classes recorded on video or audio, so it works well with people who are 'truly working daily', and need that format.
[Insert Others Here]
Local offerings are Lincoln University and Columbia College, which has a branch campus in town. Columbia's main campus is in Columbia, Missouri, 30 miles north of here. I'm wanting to keep any commute local, and do not wish another 50 mile drive (25 both ways) as happened when I attended Linn State Technical College.
I'm going to face a slew of problems if I don't have the full belief that I will ultimately succeed. I'm just on the edge of pulling myself up from below a recently explored "cliff of the dangers of despondency, depression, and despair", and I do not wish to go back down, Thank You Very Much! :-)
I'm not percolating any pipe dreams of completing my education. I figure I can attain that goal if I choose the proper area of interest, one that will make me employable, and that will enhance my self-esteem during the process. Emotionally, I consider myself, at this time, "Reasonably Stable". It's been an up-and-down kind of summer, and the heat hasn't helped this former Northern Michigan Boy, either. (Man, I wish it was about 60!)
Career Path To Date
I've been attending Linn State Technical College in Linn, Missouri.
My emotions on this college are mixed. I wouldn't recommend the networking program (CCNA Track) to anyone, as the instructor is not very accommodating to working people; ergo, the instructor wouldn't let me make up a test.
As I do contract computer work, and sometimes have to work overnight, I may or may not be able to get to my morning classes, depending on the distance; my particular class was at 8am. I withdrew from the class after multiple negotiations failed to get anything better than a terse, short-tempered response to me in front of the entire class. The networking instructor also does not like to be confronted when it is evident that 'they' believe 'they' are correct.
I made it clear at the start of the program, as well, that as my wife works from 6pm to 6am at a factory, and that as I need to pick her up, that I might also be late for class. This didn't sit well with the instructor from the first day.
Long-Story-Short Summary: I Require Night Classes
Other instructors have been more accommodating, so an individual's mileage may vary at this college. However, they have no night classes, and some classes begin at 6am, depending on the course. Linn State Technical College in Linn, Missouri is reasonably priced, but lacks a staff that could be a bit more caring and flexible with its student body.
End Result: I am not going back for a second semester. Instead, I am pursuing the option of online classes or night classes at another local college.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Quick Catch Up
I'm heading to the Jefferson City, Missouri Independence Day Festival today; I'll be spending it with family.
Career-wise, I'm scheduled to attend Fall classes at Linn State Technical College in Linn, Missouri--Missouri's only two-year technical college--in that facility's Networking Systems Technology (NST) program.
I went here in 2008, and ended up not being able to get a seat in the NST program. I started early this year, and will be ready by the time August 23 rolls around.
Wish me luck, everyone.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Manpower Temporary
They may have IT jobs in the near future.
I've given indication I am available for Manufacturing Jobs; this, to allow me some Immediate Income!
Still, I've tried these kinds of jobs before, and have failed miserably. I think it might be better to hold out for IT.
The question is, can my wallet hold out?
More Later --Stephen
Arby's Is Toast! (And I'm Done With Restaurant Jobs For The Rest Of My Life!)
I was constantly harangued by a twenty-something young woman who kept up a critical commentary for an entire hour. Added to this, was my inability to keep up with the orders, people constantly trying to work at my assigned station, getting in my way, and not letting me do my job.
I ended up leaving in a highly agitated state. It was one of three choices: 1) Brain Hemorrhage, 2) Jail Time for Smacking 'The Snippy Beast' Next To Me, or 3) Leave and Possibly Lose My Job.
Well, #3 won out, and, sure enough, I went back the next day, and found I had no job.
It wasn't unexpected. Also, I'm not too heartbroken, even though the immediate lack of income may be a problem in the short term. Still, it frees me up from stress and now I am able to devote more time to seek more suitable employment in the Information Technology (IT) Field.
I want to do more computer servicing/administrating/configuring types of things.
Now, on another line of events: I have an ongoing, active case with Vocational Rehabilitation. These are the 'disability services' people that exist in every state. My success with these offices has been edgy, although this time around, it may actually work out to a desired outcome, for myself and my case workers.
I have Attention Deficit Disorder, Cognitive Learning Disorders, and a host of symptoms that would make a 'normal' person cringe and probably jump out of their skin. Without living a lifetime inside of my type of brain, most people would probably go crazy their first few days, and have a stroke!
I'm only mildly unserious here, people! :-P I wouldn't want anyone to have to deal with my inability to multi-task at high speed, short-term memory problems, and problems with analytical/mathematical problems beyond a certain point.
It's not that I 'can't do math,' it's that I get to a certain level and plateau; then I find I can't get any farther than where I find myself at the time I'm doing the problem. I haven't found any solutions for this. 'Hard Work' is not the answer. I've worked myself until I'm tired and can't even read--after 12 hours sitting down!
I've learned that the above isn't the answer. To me, 'Hard Work' is simply a combination of results stemming from one's desire to do well at one's job. In other words, when work becomes something that 'I want to do,' rather than something I, or someone else, says 'I have to do,' and the labor becomes, itself, effortless, then that is when 'Hard Work' becomes 'Joyful Work.'
MORAL: I Must Seek Joyful Work. I Must Leave The Rest, At This Late Point In My Life--At 45--Behind!
More Later... --Stephen